
1. 머릿결이 다른 두 얼굴, 커진 눈과 옆으로 째려보는 눈
Two faces with different tresses, enlarged eyes. 2023, Acrylic, Masking fluid on canvas, 117x80.5cm

2. 네 개의 눈과 작고, 크게 벌린 입
Four eyes and mouths agape, small and wide. 2024, Acrylic, Masking fluid on canvas, 91x72.7cm.

3. 여러 팔, 비스듬히 누워있는
Multiple Arms, Lying askew.  2024, Acrylic, Masking fluid on canvas, 91x59.5cm.

4. Period gene(PER), 2021, acrylic, masking fluid on canvas, 72.8x49.9cm.

5. Ping, 2021, acrylic, masking fluid on canvas, 72.6 x 91.1cm.

6. Variability, 2021, acrylic, masking fluid on canvas, 41x31cm.

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© 2024 by ohjuan